Products for Catalysis

Catalyst ID: X002

Name: 2,6-Diisopropylphenylimidoneophylidene molybdenum(VI) bis(hexafluoro-t-butoxide)

CAS no.: 139220-25-0

Formula: C30H35F12MoNO2

M. W.: 765.53

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  1. neat as a greenish yellow powder (100 mg/ 500 mg or in bulk; purity: ≥95% (by 1H-NMR)) in sealed crimp top vials filled under N2. For additional protection the vials are wrapped into heat-sealed sachets that provides further protection from water, oxygen and light. To preserve the quality pls. open it only in a glove-box.
  2. in safe paraffin matrix (200 mg 5 wt% X002, containing 10 mg active catalyst/pellets). Each pellet is individually packaged in a heat-sealed, sachet that provides protection from water and oxygen degradation. Shipped in 10 and 50 pellets units.
  • For metathesis in general
  • The ‚gold standard’ among Mo metathesis catalysts
  • Highly active and most commonly used in cross metathesis

to be released upon order

to be released upon order

  • Schrock et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1990, 112, 3875.
  • Crowe et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1993, 115, 10998.
  • Crowe et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 1995, 117, 5162.

Olefin Metathesis Highlights

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XiMo Hungary Kft.
Berlini Park Building No. 5
Berlini utca 47-49.
H-1045 Budapest

Levente Ondi, Managing Director, Technology

Ximo Hungary Kft.